So, August....... This month, I worked hard. I worked a lot and I still am. This past month, I discovered a new podcast that I've begun...
Adventure Awaits [August 2016]
Today, August 1, I woke up with a scattered mind. To-do's, worries, stories, people to call, but I decided to push it all aside for an...
The Yoga of Forging Your Own Path
I made the choice to not watch my life pass me by, to not look at the calendar both longingly and regretfully, and instead, to share,...
'May' I reflect + June goals [June 2016]
Here we are -- the midpoint of the year. And looking back on the year from this moment, I feel like I've come a long way and done so...
Trusting the Yoga
December 31, 2015 marks the day that yoga gave me enough courage to trust my inner self and allow it to guide me on a journey. I gave in...
How releasing pain unlocked the love
Check out my post published on yoganonymous! On Kundalini, realizations, and love in this life #Kundalini #yoga #meditation #family #pain...
This year in a list
In honor of my attempts, my experiences, my gains and losses in 2015, I wanted to make a list of things that I have had the blessing of...